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Vigil for Racial Justice - in front of Westminster Presbyterian

Tuesdays, September 22 and 29, October 6 and 13.

Led by Elizabeth McMillan, an 84-year-old peace activist, our friends at Westminster are initiating a public Vigil for Racial Justice to be held Tuesdays, 12 noon – 1:00 pm on State Street in front of the church.  The first meetings will be on  4 Tuesdays: September 22 and 29; October 6 and 13.  You are invited to participate -- to pray, hold signs, and witness the need for racial justice in our city, our country, and our world. 

A large sign will read VIGIL FOR RACIAL JUSTICE. A leader will start each vigil with prayer. The remainder of the time, participants will stand with signs to pray for justice. Bring a sign along with wording of your choice if you are able. Basically a silent vigil, each person is asked to think carefully about “Why am I doing this,” so if asked by a passerby they can answer.   All participants will wear face coverings and keep 6 feet apart from others. If you are able to join us (1 hour or 1/2 hour shift), please email the church office at:  Leave your name, date(s) you will attend, return phone number and email address.