

The Rev. Kathy J. Donley

The Rev. Kathy Donley began her ministry here in August, 2010. She has a degree in psychology from Baylor University and an M.Div. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. A Midwesterner by birth, Kathy spent several formative years as a missionary kid in Ghana, West Africa.

Kathy has served churches in Kansas, Indiana and Illinois. She enjoys relating to people of all ages and has served in many roles -- youth minister, campus minister, associate pastor, solo pastor and interim pastor, among them.

Kathy and her husband, Jim Wilkerson, have two adult daughters, Molly and Erin. Among her favorite pastimes are reading mysteries and fantasy fiction, walking with her dog Lola and attending local theatre. Her ministry passions are preaching, engaging worship, and social justice.



Dorothy is the first voice you hear on the phone or face you see at the door during office hours. Her warmth and caring set the tone for us. When not here at Emmanuel, she is a gourmet cook whose soups are to die for...



If music comes from the soul, then Michael is one soulful person. When he isn't getting an amazing sound out of our choir, he is accompanying opera singers.