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Call: 646-558-8656
Enter Meeting ID: 944 8919 6245
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Lent Schedule 2025
March 5 Ash Wednesday - Luke 9:51-62 - Intention & Action Jesus sets out for Jerusalem
March 9 First Sunday in Lent - Luke 10:25-37- Stranger & Neighbor parable of the Samaritan neighbor
March 16 Second Sunday in Lent - Luke 10:38-42- Faith & Works Mary and Martha
March 23 Third Sunday in Lent - Luke 13:6-9 - Rest & Growth parable of the fig tree
March 30 Fourth Sunday in Lent - Luke 15:1-7 - Lost & Found parable of the lost sheep
April 6 Fifth Sunday in Lent - Luke 19:1-10 - Righteousness & Mercy Zacchaeus
April 13 Palm Sunday - Luke 19:29-40 - Shouting & Silence Jesus enters Jerusalem
April 17 Maundy Thursday - Luke 22:1-27, 23:32-49 - Power & Humility the Last Supper; Acceptance & Resistance Jesus dies alongside a penitent thief
April 20 Easter Sunday - Luke 24:1-12 - Grief & Hope some grieve; Peter runs to the tomb