Emmanuelites are generous with your time, money, energy and care. Our November 14 worship will focus on the ways we support each other and the ways we support our mutual ministry, including our financial support. Before that day, please make your pledge to next year’s life together at www.emmanuelalbany.net/pledge. If you would prefer a paper pledge card, please contact Dorothy in the church office
We are planning, beginning November 7 to meet in person and via Zoom, Sundays at 10 AM
Feel free to join us in the Sanctuary. We are asking all those attending in-person to wear masks and stay socially distanced. The sanctuary will likely be cooler than usual, so please dress warmly and feel free to grab a blanket from one of the baskets.
To join us on Zoom, between 9:30 and 9:55 AM
OR Join us by phone:
Call: 646-558-8656
Enter Meeting ID: 945 6914 7957
For the password, needed for both on-line and phone, please contact Pastor Kathy by 9:15 AM, Sunday morning.
The link and password will remain the same.