Cost $14
Spectrum Theater, Albany
Please pre-purchase tickets to ensure the movie comes to Albany!!!
The story of Tornillo and Joshua Rubin's efforts to bring it to public awareness and get the Child Detention at Tornillo shut down fascinates and inspires. That story is now being told through a film "Witness at Tornillo". Capital District Border Watch (which includes Richard and Nancy, Jim and Pastor Kathy) is bringing that film to Albany. The way it works is that 70 people have to buy tickets for a specific showing by October 29. If we sell 70 tickets, the event will happen. If we don't sell them by the deadline, the film will not come to Albany and the credit cards of people who bought tickets will not be charged.
The film is about an hour. We are hoping to bring Joshua Rubin from his home in Brooklyn to lead a discussion afterwards. The showing is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the Spectrum Theater. If you want to be part of making this happen, please go to this link and purchase tickets. At that link, you can also watch a trailer of the film.
Please share the link with your friends. It is also on the church Facebook page.