Children are an important part of our church.  There is a children's table in our sanctuary, where children can be in our worship service, and be interested in Bible books and puzzles.  The pastor or another church member spends a few minutes each Sunday with the children, sharing a Bible story or the themes of the sermon that the adults will hear.

All ages worship together during the first half of the service. Then the children break into groups for age-appropriate Christian education activities.

Nursery care is provided for children through age 3.

The Preschool class, ages 3-5, experiences God’s love through play, story time, and crafts

The Godly Play class, (Kindergarten to 3rd Grade) shares together in a Montessori-style time in which they experience a story, reflection on the story, asking questions, art, and prayer.

The Junior class (Grades 4-7) works to apply Biblical truths to their own lives.  One Sunday each month, the Junior Class remains in worship.  Sometimes they lead a reading or share a skit with the rest of the congregation.

The Youth class (Middle and High School age)...  (Placeholder - C.K.)

After worship, the teachers bring the children to meet their parents at coffee hour.